Navigatori market


icona alimentareicona abbigliamentoIf you want to get an idea of Piazza Navigatori market’s story, the best person to talk to is Mr. Agostino, 83 years old, of which 50 between his fruits and vegetables stall at the market and his land, at Monte Migliore. Three times a week Agostino brings what his land produces, but he’s not the only farmer on the square. Next to him Mario and Patrizio, who are father and son.

A walk through the stalls

“Until the Sixties the market used to be along the road, on via delle Sette Chiese, then we moved to the square – tells Agostino – we were approximately 30 stalls, now we are 17 when everyone is there. I started when I was about 20 years old, I used to help my father together with my brother, while from the Eighties I work alone. My sons have another job and I’m afraid the stall and the business will end with me”.

Then there are Roberto with his mother Teresa, a food stall (pasta, biscuits, jams, milk, walnuts) since 1989, the butcher Sandro with his wife, Massimino and his father and wife at their deli, a fishmonger. Caterina and Cristina both come from Eastern Europe and tried to put together jewelry, laces and doilies with fruits, vegetables and succulent plants, but it didn’t really work out, so Cristina only is left.

 9Since a few months, Mrs. Tamara opened a new stall, set up as a real clothes, accessories and shoes shop. “I had a fruit shop close by, but I have been evicted, so I took over this slot at the market, that my husband and I had bought long time ago, and I decided to completely change offer category”. So Tamara opened a little shop with women wear, belts, shoes, jewelry and little by little the customers who knew her for fruits and vegetable come to take a look to her new business. “Sometimes someone passes by, says hello and tell me ‘see you later’… hope they will come back”.

Alice's Wonderland


“Piazza Navigatori’s market is next to the house where Daddy lived for many years.
I was not there and Daddy was a child himself, I wasn’t even in the stars, as Mummy says sometimes. I don’t know if Daddy and his Mom, you know that Granny Giuliana I’ve talked you about, used to go to Piazza Navigatori’s market. Maybe they did, or maybe not, maybe they used to go to the supermarket… those were the Eighties, when everyone used to go shopping at the supermarket. So, I don’t really know if Daddy used to go to the market, but it was there and maybe sometimes he would pass by. What surprised me is that once we went to Piazza Navigatori’s market, Daddy showed me his old house, the one where he grew up. We went to the gate, he showed me the court and the bell, but nothing more as someone else is living in that house now. I didn’t tell him, but I was actually thinking by myself: “why don’t we ring, ask them if we can go in… maybe I can find my Daddy-child and I can play with him for a while”.

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where Piazza dei Navigatori



Monday – Saturday, h 7:00 – 14:00

PARking blue and white stripes

Line 714 from termini